Various Ways to Prevent Acne Reappears


Many people feel insecure when getting pimples. Moreover, pimples often appear in turn. Instead of just complaining, let's know how to prevent the right zits so avoid m skin problems .

There are various ways to prevent pimples from reappearing. In addition to treatment and treatment from a doctor, consider the following simple steps to treat facial skin to prevent acne.

Various Ways to Prevent Acne Reappears

Caring for the Skin Exactly

Taking care of the skin from the outside is a step to prevent acne from appearing again. Although the impression is simple and often overlooked, but these skin care steps need to be familiarized so that the acne does not easily reappear.

Here's how:

  • Cleanse the face

Dirt, dead skin cells, and excess oil can clog the pores of the face, causing acne. So, one way to prevent acne is to maintain the cleanliness of facial skin. You can cleanse your face twice a day on a regular basis, using gentle, alcohol-free cleansing soap to prevent irritation. Then, wash your face using water and dry it with a clean towel. But, don't wash your face too often because things can cause skin irritation.

  • Use moisturizer p

After cleaning the face, don't forget to use a moisturizer to keep the skin hydrated properly. Choose a moisturizer according to the skin type and select a product labeled noncomedogenic to minimize the appearance of pimples on the face.

  • Use sunscreen

Exposure to direct sunlight can cause the skin to dry so it is important to use sunscreen every day. Because, skin that is not well hydrated tends to produce excess oil so that the pores of the face can be blocked. Clogged facial pores cause acne.

  • Reduce use of makeup

To minimize the appearance of pimples, you are advised to use makeup products that do not contain perfume, oil free, and labeled noncomedogenic . Apply the product thin, because the use of thick makeup can cause clogged facial pores, so that acne can appear.

  • Avoid touch the face

Without realizing it, the habit of touching the face contributes to the appearance of acne. Because the dirt and bacteria found in the hands can move to the face, causing clogged facial pores. Stop the habit of touching the face, and make sure the hands are clean if you really have to touch them.

Support with a Healthy Lifestyle

In addition to treating the skin from the outside, taking care of health skin from the inside must also be done. How to prevent acne from inside can be done by:

  • Eating healthy foods

Limit consumption of oily foods, junk food, dairy products, and foods that are high in sugar, because these foods may trigger acne. It is recommended to increase consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, because this is a good food for skin health.

  • Exercise regularly

Sports is one way to prevent acne. By exercising regularly, blood circulation and oxygen supply to the skin can run more smoothly. Exercise can also control the body's hormonal balance, so the appearance of acne can be minimized. However, don't forget to clean your face afterwards.

  • Avoid stress

Some studies link stress as a cause and aggravate the condition of acne. If you are experiencing stress, try to find the best solution to deal with stress. From telling stories to people nearby, doing yoga exercises, going on vacation, or doing meditation.

  • Increase consumption of water

Ensuring that the body is well hydrated is a way to prevent other pimples. To keep the body hydrated, it is advisable to consume 8 glasses of water every day.

How to prevent acne can be successful, if you are patient and consistent in living it. But if acne still appears, don't be discouraged. Now many acne drugs have been proven to be a solution to the problem of acne. Consult a dermatologist so that you can get appropriate acne treatment for your skin condition.

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