Function of Brain Parts


The brain is one of the most complex organs in the body, the most complex. The function of the brain will remain optimal if the complex parts of these organs are well maintained.

Just imagine, this one organ consists of 100 billion more nerves. Hundreds of billions of these nerves communicate with each other in trillions of links called synapses.

Function of Brain Parts

The function of the brain can be divided according to its parts. Below is a breakdown of the functions of each part of the brain.

Function of Brain Parts

  • Big brains
    Called the big brain because this part is the largest part of the brain. The large brain is divided into two, namely the left brain and right brain. The large brain, aka cerebrum, consists of several parts or lobes, namely the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital. These parts have specific functions. The frontal lobes are responsible for brain function as problem solvers, thinking, managing plans, concentration, and regulating body movements (motor function). The temporal lobe has responsibility for managing memory and hearing, and capturing the emotions of others.
    For the parietal lobe, its function is to be responsible for sensations from the sensory organs, body position, and writing. Meanwhile, the responsibility of the occipital lobe is to regulate the human vision system.
  • Small brain
    Small brain or commonly called cerebellum , located on the back and under the big brain. This part is only one eighth of the big brain. Although small in size, its function is no less important. The function of the cerebellum is to control the balance, movement and coordination of the body. Thanks to this part of the brain, one can stand up straight, walk in balance, and move swiftly.
  • Brainstem
    The brain stem is in front of the cerebellum and under the cerebrum . This section connects the brain to the spinal cord. The responsibility of this section is very closely related to the function of maintaining life. Regulating breathing, food digestion, circulation and blood pressure are tasks that are managed by this part of the brain. The brain stem is also responsible for body reflexes. This section is divided into several parts, namely the midbrain, pons, and medulla oblongata.
  • Diensefalon
    This part is in the large brain just above the brain stem. The function of this part is to be responsible for sensory functions, appetite control, body temperature regulation, and sleep cycle. The thalamus, hypothalamus, and epithalamus are three parts of diensefalon.
  • Basal ganglia
    All coordination functions in the brain require the basal ganglia. The existence of this section functions to manage messages to be delivered or sent between several parts of the brain. The basal ganglia themselves are a group of structures that surround a portion of the thalamus in the brain.

Luckily the brain is protected by various layers so that its function can be maintained. The outermost layer that protects the brain is the skull bone. Below the skull is a meninges or brain membrane which is a sturdy membrane that surrounds the brain and spinal cord. In the meninges themselves, there is a brain fluid that functions to reduce injury, nourish the brain and spinal cord cells, and carry metabolic waste substances from the brain.

Although already protected by various safeguards above, the brain can experience damage which results in impaired brain function. Damage to the brain can be a physical injury or a rupture of blood vessels that supply the brain, for example due to a stroke. In addition, various diseases and disorders can also occur in the brain, including infections, cancer, electrolyte disorders, alcohol poisoning and drugs, kidney failure, and severe liver function disorders.

For optimal brain function, protect your head when driving, work, exercise, or move, do brain exercises, and live a healthy lifestyle. If there are symptoms that refer to brain dysfunction, such as muscle weakness or paralysis, convulsions, severe headaches or migraines that never go away, or decreased awareness, consult a doctor immediately.

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